What is LAG?

Local Action Group (LAG) is a public – private partnership of representatives of public, private and civil sector of one rural area. These sectors are connected with common features such as:

  • tradition
  • local identity
  • a sense of belonging
  • needs and expectations

The implementation of EU policies imposes the need for organisation of LAGs, as the basis for the implementation of LEADER principles that can increase the use of IPARD fund for rural areas.

The members of LAG can easier access the EU funds using joint projects within their local community. Also, when applying projects for co-financing and financing from EU funds, the members of the LAG can recieve extra points and thus increase the possibility for getting the grant.


Local Action Group in Croatia

  • In its legal form, LAG is an association registered under the Law on Associations (Official 88/01, 11/2).
  • LAG includes clearly defined and geographically continuous area, as well as residents of one or more villages, within two or more units of local government (municipality, city).
  • Geographical continuity of area can be achieved in a way that local governments must have direct contact with each other either by land, sea or water.
  • LAG is a rural area with more than 5 000 and less than 150 000 inhabitants.
  • Villages or cities within the LAG can not have more than 25 000 inhabitants.
  • One village can only belong to one LAG.
  • The headquarters of the LAG must be located within the area covered by the LAG.
  • Representatives of business and civil sector participate in the management structure with at least 50 percent, representatives of the executive or administrative bodies of local government with a minimum of 20 percent, women with at least 30 percent, at least one person to 29 years, 1 person from 29 to 50 years and one person over 50 years.
  • LAG members can be citizens and legal entities.
  • Members of the management structure of the LAG must be domiciled and / or registered and / or have the registered branch within the area covered by the LAG.
  • LAG must have LRS in accordance with the IPARD program and existing development documents whose implementation is planned during the term of the IPARD program (2007-2013).



What does LAG do?

  • LAG prepares and promotes local development strategy and is responsible for its implementation.
  • LAG drives the development of its community which includes the marginal groups.
  • LAG uses a broader view in the assessment of local resources and promotes openness to new ideas.
  • LAG establishes connections and encourages dialogue – both vertically and horizontally.
  • LAG supports projects, oversees the implementation and carrying out evaluation of the success.